Logging Truck Accident Attorneys in Mississippi

With the dense population of forests and hardwoods in Mississippi, it is not surprising that a substantial number of logging truck accidents occur every year. The Mississippi logging truck accident attorneys at Southern Counsel are here to represent those who have been injured in catastrophic accidents, as well as the families who have lost a loved one in a truck wreck.

These accidents occur both on-site in rural areas as well on busy Mississippi highways and interstates. Hardworking people in MS are injured regularly because of the negligence of another party, leaving them with injuries that could affect the remainder of their lives. When a person is injured by a logging truck, it is important to protect their future from uncertainty.


MS Logging Truck Accident Lawyers

On the road, log truck accidents occur for the same reasons as other truck accidents. However, overloaded log trucks, overweight logging trucks, improperly loaded log trucks, and logging truck driver error make up the bulk of serious accidents involving logging trucks. If you have been injured in a log truck accident, you want experienced representation from a law firm that is familiar with logging trucks, log trucks, and trucking regulations.

Contacting A Logging Truck Accident Attorney in Mississippi

At Southern Counsel we understand the logging industry, we understand truck drivers, and other workers involved in cutting timber. We also understand that the Mississippi timber industry is vital to our economy. But as it grows, so do the number of trucks on our roads.

If you have suffered a serious injury due to a log truck, or lumber truck accident, then you want an experienced Mississippi logging truck accident attorney, who understands your need to provide support for your family, representing you and your legal interests. You want a lawyer who not only understands you and your situation, but also understands the law and your rights. You want a MS Logging Truck accident lawyer with a successful track record in court, and who has successfully negotiated numerous favorable settlements.

We are committed to helping you maximize the amount of compensation. We are a Mississippi law firm, and we have been helping families from Mississippi since we started our practice. We have logging truck accident trial experience, and an excellent reputation for successfully bringing truck accident claims on behalf of people seriously injured by lumber and logging trucks. If you have been seriously injured due to a logging truck accident, you need to contact our experienced attorneys today.

We work on a contingency basis. We don’t get paid unless you do.